Live Blood Analysis

Live Blood Analysis is a quick and efficient way of assessing the health of the patient. A drop of blood is examined under a special microscope which has both dark-field and bright-field options. Very quickly one can see nutritional deficiencies, which organs are stressed, heavy metal toxicities, and imbalances in acidity or pH.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Lymphatic Drainage is a gentle, medically backed massage technique that is used to encourage lymphatic flow in the body and indeed improve the bodies lymphatic system as a whole. The lymphatic system protects our bodies from infection and is critical in getting rid of the bodies toxins.

Vacuflex Reflexology boot treatment

The Vacuflex Reflexology System stimulates all 72000 reflexology areas simultaneously using a special boot, in which a vacuum is created; after five minutes of suction, the foot is then examined to identify areas of discoloration, which are believed to correspond to areas of illness.


Massage Therapy is known to assist with stress, anxiety, as well as depression and, will also improve sleep and even ease muscle pain.


Herbal Remedies made from all-natural products to assist with many illnesses and in living a healthier natural lifestyle.